Young Adult

Knowing Who I Am by A G Allen

Knowing Who I Am by A.G. Allen is a captivating blend of YA fiction, supernatural thrills, and deep explorations of identity and trauma. Discover why this genre-blending novel is a must-read for readers of all ages this summer.

Dissonance, Volume I: Reality by Aaron Ryan

With his gripping debut novel Dissonance, Volume I: Reality, author Aaron Ryan thrusts readers headlong into one such nightmare future...

Washington by Thomas J Gebhardt III

Washington by Thomas J. Gebhardt III tells a heart-wrenching story about the aftermath of a school shooting through multiple perspectives. The story is dark yet poignant, masterfully exploring complex themes of trauma, love, and growth in the face of tragedy.

Triansh and the Land of Immortals by MYST

Triansh and the Land of Immortals by MYST is a captivating work of YA science fiction that transports readers on an epic adventure through the Himalayas and beyond. The book follows three teenage friends, Aditya, Akash, and Arjun, as they embark on what was meant to be a simple trekking expedition that turns into something far greater than they could ever imagine.

The Unproposed Guy by Bhavik Sarkhedi

The Unproposed Guy focuses on more than just love and affection. This is a journey of self-discovery, loss, forgiveness, and trusting others, as well as the bonds of friendship, and it will tear your heart, but the hopeful, heart-warming, and beautiful conclusion will help you mend it.


