5 Things English Literature Students Know to Be True


While it’s true that every student follows a different path and creates their own individual experience at college, it’s very difficult not to fall into certain categories and become somewhat defined by the course you’re studying. After all, what does a fashion design student know about analyzing and critical theorizing the works of Shakespeare? Are you a student and about to embark on an English Literature course? Do you want to know more about this area of study before you sign up? The following are five things English literature students know to be true.


Academic Books Are Expensive

Most literature lecturers put a huge emphasis on outside reading to avoid the library rush. This means that, instead of availing of library resources, students are encouraged to buy their own books. The issue with this is that academic books are ridiculously expensive, with some costing as much as $300+. If you are forced to invest in added reading material to complete an important project, you’ll need to cut your monthly expenses so you have as much cash as possible to spare. Living a little more frugally is necessary. Refinancing your existing student loan with a private lender to consolidate multiple balances is a great option. Or you could even take on a part time job?


You’ll Be an Expert on Everything

Yes, you’ll be studying English but, as a side effect, you’ll also be studying every subject under the sun. The texts you’ll study will take you deep into the world of science, history, social studies and economics. This can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed settling in pretty quickly so it’s important to figure out ways to stay on track and not get side-tracked.


Writing Will Become Easy

You’ll always be writing or preparing to write as a literature student. All this writing practice will make the process of sitting down and typing up a 3,000+ essay much easier than you’d ever imagine. In time, high word counts won’t faze you and you’ll find projects with a short word count an absolute breeze.


Over-analyzing Will Become Normal

All that study and theorizing will lead you to over-analyze everything you read. That’s right; from your favorite novels to texts from your friends, you’ll read everything with a critical eye while looking for literary value. This has a benefit in the sense that you’ll be a more confident critic and writer but the downside is no-one wants to be quizzed about the hidden subtext of a drunken text message.


You’ll Have to Work Really Hard

The pace of work for english literature students is hectic. You’ll be faced with weekly tasks (such as critical reading) and monthly assignments (such as reviews and essays). It’s easy to let the stress of sourcing material, reading and referencing get on top of you so don’t forget to take some time out to switch off. Find something that you enjoy doing – something that will totally take your mind away from books. Try swimming, cycling, walking or another type of physical activity. Learn a new skill like cooking, sewing or up-cycling furniture. These are all great ways to keep your mind active whilst taking your thoughts away from the stress of assignments and looming deadlines.


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