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Two Feet In by Jeanne Collins

Two Feet In by Jeanne Collins

Title: Two Feet In

Author: Jeanne Collins

Publisher: Self Publishing

Genre: Memoir, Self-help

First Publication: 2023

Language: English

Book Summary: Two Feet In by Jeanne Collins

Jeanne Collins wasn’t always living with two feet in—but now she wants to share how she harnessed an abundance mindset to build the life she always wanted.

In this memoir, Jeanne proves her mission statement: success requires perseverance and vulnerability. From the trials of childhood to the rush of romance; from the crush of heartbreak to the nervous excitement of two major pivots in her career—readers will relate to Jeanne’s honest and heartfelt insights on growing up, motherhood, love, and, yes, interior design.

While she’s now found the balance and energy she long sought, it hasn’t always been easy. This is a story about overcoming an internal dialogue clouded by doubt and laying the foundation for a better future. A good life isn’t so different from a good home, after all—with skillful framing and mindful finishes, a holistic environment can be fostered inside and out.

In this book, you will learn:

With heartfelt insights and hard-won lessons, Jeanne’s story is infused with a sense of love, abundance and hope. Jeanne’s philosophy strives to be one with the universe while staying grounded in what we can all control: trusting ourselves and committing to our personal blueprints. Hence feet, two of them in particular, planted firmly as the inspired designers of our own lives. To find out more about her journey, grab this book today!

Book Review: Two Feet In by Jeanne Collins

They say that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. For Jeanne Collins, that sentiment couldn’t ring more true. In her memoir Two Feet In, Collins takes readers on a journey of self-discovery as she recounts stepping boldly out of her comfort zone time and time again to embark on the adventure of living authentically.

From facing the hardships of her childhood and navigating early romantic relationships, to the challenges of single motherhood and career pivots, Collins shows how being willing to walk through uncertainty is what allowed her to transform her life into one of fulfillment. Her story serves as inspiration that no matter where you start or what obstacles come your way, you have the power to design your own destiny when you live fully committed with both feet in.

More than just a chronicle of her life events, Two Feet In shares Collins’ transformation in mindset – from a self-conscious child seeking validation externally to a self-assured woman thriving from an internal sense of worth. She lays bare the lessons learned in each phase of her metamorphosis, imparting wisdom on cultivating resilience, prioritizing self-care, and trusting your intuition that readers can apply to their own journeys.

Above all, Collins’ memoir reminds us that life is meant to be lived purposefully and unapologetically according to our own heartbeat, not dictated by society’s expectations or past limitations. By embracing change rather than fearing it, and committing wholly to our visions and values, we can design rich, fulfilling lives far beyond what our circumstances may dictate.

Her story is proof that when we learn from our mistakes instead of dwelling in them, and approach life’s challenges with courage rather than cowardice, we have the power to turn any situation into an opportunity for positive evolution. In sharing her journey so transparently yet optimistically, Collins offers inspiration and guidance for staying true to ourselves amidst life’s uncertainties.

A Childhood of Self-Doubt

Collins’ memoir begins by taking readers back to her childhood, recounting the family dynamics and experiences that shaped her earliest understandings of herself and relationships. Growing up with parents unsuited for marriage and emotionally unavailable left Collins without a solid foundation of self-worth, nurturing her innate tendency towards people-pleasing and dependency on others for feelings of security and significance.

The lack of unconditional love and acceptance in her formative years had lifelong repercussions, leaving deep-seated insecurities and a near-constant yearning for approval. Her parents’ eventual divorce brought further instability, disorienting young Collins’ developing sense of self at a critical juncture. While painful to process as a child, looking back provides the understanding needed to address internalized narratives holding her back.

This challenging beginning plays a significant role in Collins’ transformation journey. By gaining clarity on how her earliest environments influenced her mindsets and patterns, she was able to recognize and rewrite limiting beliefs handed down from the past. This introspection formed the basis for Collins to establish a sense of self determined internally rather than through external validation alone.

Becoming the Author of Her Story

Entering young adulthood, Collins found herself facing further difficulties as she navigated relationships, an unplanned pregnancy, and the responsibilities of single motherhood – all while still grappling with insecurities born from her upbringing. Yet even amidst obstacles, she showed growing resolve in choosing her own direction rather than simply reacting to circumstances.

Her willingness to take responsibility for raising her daughter exemplified an evolving independence of spirit and commitment to following her heart’s guidance over society’s expectations. When a career opportunity presented itself in interior design, Collins dove in fully, leveraging natural talents into professional fulfillment and financial independence.

However, inner dissatisfaction with her overall situation pushed Collins to undertake perhaps her bravest decision yet – uprooting alone to another region of the country to start fresh. This monumental act of self-determination proved a turning point, marking her emergence from simply reacting to life events to proactively designing the life she envisioned according to her own blueprint.

By facing uncertainty head-on out of faith in her vision, Collins took command of authoring her story’s plot rather than letting past conditioning or present realities dictate her course. She truly stepped into empowered ownership of her life and destiny.

Reinventing is Renewal

In her new surroundings, Collins continued diligently cultivating self-belief and actualization through small successes. Natural skills in interior design expanded into a thriving business, allowing fuller enjoyment of singledom without dependencies. Independence was further reinforced through committed singleness by choice rather than obligation.

Fully immersed now in visioning and bringing to life environments resonating with mind-body-spirit wellness for clients, Collins’ perspective turned inward once more to assess her own personal surroundings. Again, a subtle but persistent sense of dissatisfaction emerged – not with career, but with relationship and lifestyle patterns no longer in harmony with her evolved outlook.

Her decision to uproot alone once more demonstrated the fruition of a complete reinvention in self-concept. No longer fearing the unknown or clinging to limiting paradigms, Collins instead embraced change as opportunity when approached through the lens of empowerment and personal growth. This boundary-pushing reiterated that our greatest breakthroughs occur outside comfort zones, when we commit with full presence to our highest aspirations.

By each metamorphosis, Collins emerged wiser and living according to her own design and internal compass rather than circumstances. Her model of continuous evolution inspires recognizing life’s deepest lessons can come through experiencing what we least expect, so long as maintaining openness and presence.

Architecting Fulfillment

In the final phases of her memoir, Collins has navigated various transformations and arrives at a place of sovereignty – empowered in both profession and personal existence. Interior design business expands as vehicle for her “Two Feet In” philosophy of cultivating nurturing environments mirroring an evolved mindset of well-being, vision, commitment to personal authority and continual growth.

Her narrative comes full circle as an empty nester transitioning joyfully to this next chapter according to internal guidance rather than societal expectations. Where dependencies formerly formed, sustaining relationships develop based on mutual empowerment and enrichment of individual missions. A balanced lifestyle emerges harmonizing duties with self-care and play via hobbies and service prioritizing holistic nourishment.

The resilient foundation built over years manifests paradise aligned deeply with values refined through challenges faced with compassion. Most profoundly, Collins instills hope that any circumstances, no matter origins, may be transformed when approached as laboratories for anchoring in self-realization and stepping into unlimited vision for possibilities beyond present conditions. Perseverance and determination to prioritize evolving rightly are all that’s required to architect fulfillment.

Cultivating Presence & Intuition

At the heart of Collins’ successful metamorphoses lies her unwavering commitment to practices of mindfulness, vision and trusting personal authority honed through life experiences. Her overarching philosophy articulated as “Two Feet In” denotes full engagement and responsiveness to guidance from within, out of faith in an internal navigation system attuned to well-being over time.

By anchoring in present moment awareness and intuition rather than over-analysis or fear, Collins demonstrates resilience in decision-making and adaptation. Further, she imparts that fulfillment ultimately stems not from attaining goals or outcomes, but aligning daily choices and priorities with principles sourced from self-knowledge.

Her focus on cultivating habitual presence reminded that over years, small honoring of intuition compounds into tremendous trust in oneself – the single most empowering realization. Throughout ups and downs, Collins maintained clarity that her value and potential were never defined by factors outside control like relationships, approval or transitory hardship. Freedom was discovered by fully inhabiting each moment according to this truth.

With each circumstance faced, Collins’ definition of authority shifted from external to internal – recognizing that safety, self-worth and fulfillment exist not through people or outcomes, but via this rooted practice of presence, intuition and responsibility for inner domain alone over lifetime. Her lessons motivate living from depth of consciousness rather than surface whims through commitment to continuous self-realization.

An Inspiration for Authentic Self-Authoring

Two Feet In leaves a lasting impact well beyond surface messages through its transparency about life’s struggles and lessons learned through relentless yet compassionate self-inquiry. By vulnerably portraying her transformation from insecure child to empowered woman architecting meaning according to internal purpose and values, Collins gives permission for readers likewise to embrace reinvention rather than stagnation.

Her memoir inspires recognizing life as perpetual work-in-progress of self-authored evolution when approaching each circumstance, relationship or crossroad as prized opportunity rather than problem to solve. Ultimate freedom is found not through changing factors outside control, but adopting empowered viewpoint perceiving self and potential expansively despite fear or inertia.

Most profoundly, Collins’ story reminds that each of us innately holds potential and prerogative to design rich, fulfilling lives far beyond what outward conditions dictate – through small daily acts of courage, prioritizing self-care, hustling passionately for visions and committing unapologetically to our path with presence according to internal truth. By identifying and addressing beliefs preventing sufficiency, then walking through fearful unknown bravely, limitless lives may be created.

At its heart, Two Feet In radiates hope that past conditioning need not determine destiny when armed with perseverance, presence and willingness to continuously shape ourselves independent of external factors. Collins sets the example that step one is simply making the choice – the choice to no longer be defined by past limitations, comparison to others, or fear of rejection and failure. To instead define ourselves by our dreams, passions, purpose and relentless evolution towards our highest potential.

She inspires taking complete ownership of our narratives by eradicating the victim mentality and instead approaching each moment, relationship and opportunity as a blank canvas waiting to be shaped according to our hearts’ visions. Collins proves that true freedom and fulfillment lies not in our circumstances or what we attain, but in embracing uncertainty and walking boldly towards enlarging our perspectives through continuous learning and growth.

Her memoir leaves us empowered in the realization that we all contain infinite creative power and resources within to design rich, authentic lives aligned with our truest selves. It’s simply a matter of switching our mindsets from scarcity and limitation to those of abundance, vision and determination. Of trusting our intuition over fears, committing wholeheartedly to the path laid out by our internal guidance system, and approaching each perceived obstacle as a valuable lesson.

When we do this, when we make the daily choice to live from a place of empowerment versus fear, we access a wellspring of resilience, wisdom and fulfillment that circumstances could never diminish. Collins inspiringly demonstrates it’s never too late to transform any situation or self-concept through this mindset shift. Her story stimulates us to start where we are by honoring who we are and our journeys thus far, while keeping our sights set on continual evolution.

Perhaps the most important lesson of Two Feet In is that we all hold the keys to architecting whatever kind of life we desire through asserting our authority, prioritizing self-care, and committing to small daily actions aligned with our core truths despite uncertainty or challenges. Collins gifts us the reminder and courage that we need only access our creative prowess and perseverance to design lives worth living according each to our own heartbeat. When we do this, the past loses all power to keep us locked in perceived limitations – for ours is the prerogative to shape limitless reinvention and growth.

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