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Journey to the West by Devanath Thenabadu

Journey to the West by Devanath Thenabadu

Title: Journey to the West

Author: Devanath Thenabadu

Publisher: AIA Publishing

Genre: Memoir, Travel

First Publication: 2022

Language: English


Book Summary: Journey to the West by Devanath Thenabadu

Journeys sometimes have unexpected destinations. A twenty-one-year-old man leaves his native Sri Lanka to figure out what to do with his life but loses his way in Paris until a romantic encounter opens his heart, leading to a spontaneous awakening.

He then explores Eastern wisdom and moves to Montreal where he practices Buddhist meditation, but his experience of wakefulness in day-to-day life unleashes a Pandora’s Box of unresolved emotions resulting from early childhood trauma of which he was blissfully unaware.

More travels and encounters with women propel him along his healing journey, which parallels his ongoing quest for permanent awakening. It’s like Jack Kerouac meets Eckhart Tolle.

Book Review - Journey to the West by Devanath Thenabadu

Book Review: Journey to the West by Devanath Thenabadu

Devanath Thenabadu’s overwhelming desire for profound emotional healing and the search for purpose, contentment, Eastern philosophy, and the joy of meeting new people and cultures is chronicled throughout his memoir “Journey to the West,” which spans several years of travel starting when he was 21 years old. He was young and independent, and he traveled across the world to a variety of continents and nations in search of meaning and new experiences. The course of Devanath’s travels takes him to a variety of cities and countries, including London, Sri Lanka, Vancouver, Montreal, and Paris. However, in the end, all of these stops enable him to let go of repressed feelings, gain a greater understanding of his inner self, and grow closer to his ultimate objective of enlightenment.

Devanath Thenabadu tells an honest story of how he left his native Sri Lanka to figure out what to do with his life, but he loses his way in Paris until a romantic encounter opens his heart, leading to a spontaneous awakening. Although our particular life paths may differ in detail, and perhaps very important specifics, Devanath strikes his readers because in his honest, open, and real narrative, he represents many of us in his book “Journey to the West”. Although some of us may physically remain in one place while we seek solace and wisdom, our psychological and emotional states are always free to wander around.

In Devanath’s journey of discovery, he travels from having a sudden awakening encounter in Paris to undergoing the process of emotional healing and being enlightened in Canada. He provides detailed descriptions of the places through which he travels. He notes the kinds of things you would expect, the landscape, and he fills us in on some of the logistical challenges involved. His struggles are described with such candor in this book that it left my head spinning on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, “Journey to the West” by Devanath Thenabadu also has so much knowledge, kindness, and helpful counsel on how to lead a contentful life.

Devanath’s memoir is not just a travelogue of seeing places, but includes ongoing philosophical meanderings, both about his own experiences and the wider human variety. His intellectual explorations are bolstered by his gift for language, which elevates this book to new heights. Combining intellectual heft with an inquiring mind is amazing enough, but to be able to communicate both the inner and outer journeys with such sensitivity and beauty is a rare accomplishment indeed.

It may be gruelling, surprising, filled with ups and downs, exhilarating, exciting, stunningly beautiful, and rich in landscape, exterior and interior. Journey to the West may not wear out your arms or legs, your back, or any other muscle group, but it will stimulate your mind, lift up your spirit, and stimulate your need to pedal through darkness into knowing. Packed with historical and geographic facts, literary references, and philosophical wisdom, Journey to the West is a stunning literary memoir you will not soon forget.

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